Funding secured for new R&D project ‘BIM2SIM’

Funding secured for new R&D project ‘BIM2SIM’

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We have secured Research & Development European Grant funding from SecurIT for BIM2SIM – The development of a new design and data driven approach that will enhance the safety and security of infrastructure and buildings.

SecurIT supports European Security SMEs, co-finances the development of collaborative projects, and promotes cross-border cooperation. Scott Brownrigg, with headquarters in the UK, have been selected with France-based APEX Solutions to embark on the 12-month project. 

The need for increased security and safety data about buildings and their use is driving the development of new approaches to gather and analyse risk-related data and to model hazards of different natures and their consequences. These hazards can be studied at micro (individual spaces), macro level (urban setting) and large scale (city-scale and above). The idea behind BIM2SIM recognises the benefits of coupling digital twins to security/safety models in order to bridge the gap between Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Security Simulation Models (SIM).

BIM2SIM therefore takes bespoke Scott Brownrigg BIM models of increased complexity (from a single building to a complex site) and uses APEX Solutions simulation modelling to perform a full physical security synthetic assessment. Our aim is to develop a design and data driven approach that will both be more efficient and effective at testing scenarios, improving infrastructure design in response.

Further updates whilst the research and development project is in progress.  


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005292. 

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