RIBA Scott Brownrigg Award for Sustainable Development

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'North South Conversations' by Julia Backhaus, Ben Hayes, Kit Lee-Smith and Dr Josephine Mwongeli Malonza.
'North South Conversations' by Julia Backhaus, Ben Hayes, Kit Lee-Smith and Dr Josephine Mwongeli Malonza.

As an international architecture and design practice and signatory to the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge, Architects Declare and the UN Global Compact, we acknowledge our responsibility to enrich lives through the built environment and help create a better world.

Launched in 2022 in partnership with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), the RIBA Scott Brownrigg Award for Sustainable Development will fund research to address environmental and ethical issues with the aim of enhancing the quality of life of communities across the globe.

The award is open to individuals or teams interested in developing architecture-related research or practical work that focuses on one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Recognising the importance of this commitment, this year we have doubled the award funding and successful applicants will be offered an increased fund of £10,000, with a period of between three to twelve months to carry out the research or project. They will also benefit from mentorship and support from Scott Brownrigg’s Design Research Unit team (DRU), who power change within our practice and across the industry through collaboration and open-source intelligence.

Applications for the RIBA Scott Brownrigg Award for Sustainable Development 2024 are now open. The deadline for applications is 3pm (BST) on 16 August 2024.

Find out more here.