We were appointed to develop a masterplan of East Hemel across 341 hectares of Green Belt land, providing 3,065 new homes within two distinct character areas. The masterplan will also provide two new primary schools and local centres, an 8FE Secondary school, and 167,220 sq m of commercial and logistics space on 55 hectares adjacent to the M1.
Reflecting Garden City principles, Sport England’s ‘Active Design’, and a landscape led approach across three distinct field parcels, a spacious parkland setting has been woven through undulating countryside. The masterplan ispart of the ‘Six Hills of Hemel’ concept to develop 11,000 new homes at East and North Hemel.
Two distinct residential character areas respond to their immediate Hemel context. They accommodate 7,500 residents and are developed around multiple cycle and path connections. Enhanced public transport leads to a central employment hub where provision of up to 6,000 jobs mirrors the adjacent Maylands Business Park.
Two local centres, developed at the heart of walkable neighbourhoods assist new home working in a post Covid-19 world by providing retail, education, senior living, care and innovative business activity space. A new bridge crossing the A414 connects new communities to places of work. SUDs and swales complement a landscape country park adding to the health and wellbeing masterplan approach and holistic design.
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